Replacement Windows and Doors

Doors and windows are, quite literally, the portals to your home. Your front door is the first thing you or your guests see as they enter your home. Windows provide you with your view of the world. Replacement doors and windows can add beauty and personality to your home – there are many styles, colors and materials available to suit any taste, function and budget. Trims, sills and transitions can enhance the added appeal of replacement windows and doors.


New Vinyl Windows Windsor

New Front Door with Sidelights Chatham

New Replacement Windows, Essex, Ontario

Energy Saving Windows

Replacement windows and doors not only improve the attractiveness of your home, they can save you money. Old windows and doors can warp, shrink and wear down causing gaps, ill-fitting seals and a reduced insulating factor. As drafts and moisture seep in, the structure of your windows and doors becomes compromised and your energy bills get bigger. Don’t make your furnace or air conditioner work any harder than they have to. Replace old windows and doors and seal in the savings.

Safety and Security

Doors and windows that have aged or been damaged might be compromising the security of your home. Replacement doors are available in steel and solid wood with tough frames that will make you feel more secure in your own home.  Windows can present the same security issues. Replacement window can be installed with strong frames and locks to keep intruders out and children in. Old slider windows that no longer stay raised can pose an added anger to fingers if they should fall.

Keep you family safe, secure, and comfortable with quality replacement windows and doors installed by our skilled carpenters. We will protect your home while we work and leave you with satisfaction of the increased value and appeal of your home.

Get a Free Quote

Service Area – Bill’s Siding & Eavestrough serves the Windsor, Leamington, Kingsville, Essex, Tecumseh, Amherstburg, Wheatley, and Chatham-Kent. Contact us for a free estimate.